Microbiology and Infectious Disease

Faculty selected as IPREP mentors
Portrait of Janice Blum smiling at the camera.
Janice S. Blum, Ph.D. – Faculty Liaison
Coordinator of Graduate School Preparation and Application Activities
Tel: 317-278-1715
Email: jblum@iupui.edu
Office: MS420
Janice S. Blum, Ph.D., is our program liaison to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in the IU School of Medicine. Dr. Blum is Dean of the IU Graduate School Indianapolis and Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education on campus overseeing admissions for all campus graduate and professional degree programs as well as awarding Graduate School degrees in Indianapolis. Dr. Blum has extensive research experience in immunology and cell biology including studies on host-pathogen responses, autoimmunity, transplantation, and cancer biology. She has directed several federal research and training grants. Dr. Blum is actively involved in fostering programs and practices that attract learners from underrepresented populations to our campus graduate programs. She has received the campus' highest award for her mentoring efforts with diverse students and holds a Chancellor's professorship. She serves as a co-director for our campus Beckman Scholars program in Biology and Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program
Indiana University Indianapolis

Office of the Dean, School of Health & Human Sciences
1050 Wishard Blvd., Ste. 3000
Health Sciences Building (RG)
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel: 317-274-7447
Fax: 317-274-1024
Email: IPREP@iu.edu
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.